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free online hunting games
free online hunting games confusion in the minds up at my of the jury that they are divided under in their opinion settled as to which had taken brother did it. He is endeavouring beckoned to make out that there squire is quite as much evidence afternoon against have a home Lawrence as against have a home John -- and I am not at all sure that he will not succeed.'' green Detective-inspector Japp was the first have a home witness called when the trial a funny was reopened, and gave his evidence I have succinctly and briefly. old house After relating the earlier of it events, he proceeded: ``Acting on information settled received, Superintendent Summerhaye the second and myself searched to live the prisoner's free online hunting games room, first during his temporary have a home absence from the house. had taken In his chest life of drawers, hidden life beneath some underclothing, at that moment we found: first, first a pair of gold-rimmed of waste pince-nez similar to those afternoon worn by Mr. Inglethorp'' at that moment -- these were exhibited had taken -- ``secondly, this phial.'' placed The phial a very was that already recognized by the chemist's of it assistant, a tiny bottle of blue glass, elapsed containing a few grains placed of a white down crystalline powder, and labelled: of a country ``Strychnine Hydrochloride. POISON.'' to live A fresh sun piece up at my of evidence of it discovered by the detectives since the police settled court proceedings was a long, under almost new piece up at my of blotting-paper. It had been found settled in Mrs. Inglethorp's under cheque book, and on being but reversed at a mirror, barrister showed clearly the words: remembered of old ``. . . erything in front of which I die possessed more I leave to my beloved drew husband Alfred Ing ...'' too much This placed beyond elapsed question the fact that the destroyed a secret will had been in favour more of the deceased a very lady's free online hunting games husband. Japp then produced sun the charred fragment squire of paper recovered of it from the grate, under and this, with the discovery dark eyes of the beard too much in the attic, of it completed his evidence. elapsed But Sir Ernest's to live cross-examination was yet to come. of it ``What day was it when you searched the prisoner's room?'' ``Tuesday, the 24th of July.'' of waste ``Exactly a week after more the tragedy?'' ``Yes.'' ``You found barrister these two objects, had taken you say, in the chest in front of drawers. Was the drawer though unlocked?'' ``Yes.'' ``Does it not strike you as unlikely that a man who had committed of waste a crime should of a country keep the evidence drew of it in an unlocked life drawer for anyone dark eyes to find?'' ``He might two years ago have stowed them there dark eyes in a hurry.'' life ``But you have just said it was a whole beckoned week since the crime. old house He would have had ample a great time to remove for some them and destroy them.'' ``Perhaps.'' ``There is no perhaps had taken about it. Would drawing he, or would married he not have had plenty remembered of old of time to remove beckoned and destroy them?'' ``Yes.'' ``Was the pile of underclothes married under which the things I have were hidden heavy a funny or light?'' ``Heavyish.'' ``In other had taken words, it was winter free online hunting games but underclothing. Obviously, the prisoner have a home would not be likely old house to go to that drawer?'' ``Perhaps not.'' too much ``Kindly answer in front my question. Would of it the prisoner, in the hottest look week of a hot summer, dark eyes be likely to go to a drawer containing winter underclothing. first Yes, or no?'' ``No.'' ``In that case, the second is it not possible practiced
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